Medieval Itineraries: Codex Calixtinus

The final book of the so-called Codex Calixtinus, drawn up in Santiago around 1140, is generally known as the "Pilgrim's Guide", despite the fact it's reasonably certain no pilgrim ever used it as a guide. Much more than a simple list of places, it is seemingly observations from a pilgrimage from Poitou to Santiago de Compostela, with comments on shrines and other places of interest, as well as on the peoples and customs along the route. See separate page for a detailed analysis.
Note: of the 4 routes listed in France, although the route from Arles is clearly the main road via Toulouse to the W Pyrenees, only the route from Orleans has enough detail to be plotted properly. I have though plotted the more-detailed Spanish section of the Somport route from Borce as in the text.