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Mary Hamilton

No: 173; variant: 173O

  1. THERE lived a lord into the south, And he had dochters three, And the youngest o them went to the king's court, To learn some courtesie.
  2. She rowd it in a wee wee clout . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. She rowd it in a wee wee clout And flang't into the faem, Saying, sink ye soon, my bonny babe! I'll go a maiden hame.
  4. 'O woe be to you, ye ill woman, An ill death may ye die! Gin ye had spared the sweet baby's life, It might hae been an honour to thee.'
  5. She wadna put on her gowns o black, Nor yet wad she o brown, But she wad put on her gowns o gowd, To glance through Embro town.
  6. 'Come saddle not to me the black,' she says, 'Nor yet to me the brown, But come saddle to me the milk-white steed, That I may ride in renown.'