Glenlogie or Jean o Bethalnie
No: 238; variant: 238H
- SIX and six nobles gaed to Behelvie fair,
But bonnie Glenlogie was flowr o a' there;
Bonnie Jean o Belhelvie gaed tripping doun the stair,
And fancied Glenlogie afore a' that was there.
- She said to his serving-man, as he stood aside,
O what is that man's name, and whare does he bide?
'They call him Glenlogie whan he goes frae home,
But he's come o the grand gordons, and [h]is name is Lord John.'
- 'Glenlogie, Glenlogie, be constant and kind;
I've laid my love on you, I'll tell you my mind:'
'O wae's me heart, Jeanie, your tocher's oure sma;
Lay na your love on me, foe I'm promised awa.'
- She called for the servant to show her a room,
Likewise for a handmaid to mak her bed doun;
Wi that Jeanie's father cam stepping on the floor,
Says, What is the matter my dochter lies here?
- 'Forgie, honourd father, my folly,' said she,
'But for the sake o Glenlogie your dochter will dee:'
'O cheer up, my dochter, for I'll gie ye my hand
That ye'se get young Glenforbar, w' an earldom of land.
- 'O cheer up, my dochter, turn ance frae the wa,
And ye'll get Glenforbar, the flowr o them a':'
'I wad rather tak Glenlogie wi his staff in his hand
Afore I wad tak Glenforbar wi an earldom of land.'
- Jeanie's father was a scholar, and a man o grit wit,
And he wrote him a letter, he thought it was fit.
- When Glenlogie gat the letter, he was amang nobles a',
. . . he lute his hat fa:
'I wonder i the warld what women see at me,
For bonnie Jean o Belhelvie is a dying for me:'
- He calld for his servant to saddle his steed,
. . . wi speed;
The horse was na saddled, but out on the green,
Till bonnie Glenlogie was some miles him leen.
- Whan he cam to Belhelvie, he rade round about,
And he saw Jeanie's father at a window look out.
- Bonnie Jean o Belhelvie lay pale and wan,
But red and ruddy grew she when Glenlogie cam in:
'Lie yont, bonnie Jeanie, and let me lie down,
For ye'se be bride, and I'se be bridegroom.'