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Hind Horn

No: 17; variant: 17E

  1. HYND HORN he has lookt on his ring, Hey ninny ninny, how ninny nanny And it was baith black and blue, And she is either dead or she's married. And the barck and the broom blooms bonnie
  2. Hynd Horn he has shuped to land, And the first he met was an auld beggar man.
  3. 'What news, what news, my silly auld man? For it is seven years syne I have seen land.
  4. 'What news, what news, my auld beggar man? What news, what news, by sea or by land?'
  5. 'There is a king's dochter in the east, And she has been marryed these nine nights past.
  6. 'Intil the bride's bed she winna gang Till she hears tell of her Hynd Horn.'
  7. 'Cast aff, cast aff thy auld beggar weed, And I will gie thee my gude gray steed.'