Thomas Cromwell
No: 171; variant: 171A
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'Ffor if your boone be askeable,
Soone granted it shalbe:
- 'If it be not touching my crowne,' he said,
'Nor hurting poore comminaltye.'
'Nay, it is not touching your crowne,' shee sayes,
'Nor hurting poore cominaltye,
- 'But I begg the death of Thomas Cromwell,
For a false traitor to you is hee.'
'Then feitch me hither the Earle of Darby
And the Earle of Shrewsbury,
- 'And bidde them bring Thomas Cromawell;
Let's see what he can say to mee;'
For Thomas had woont to haue carryed his head vp,
But now he hanges it vppon his knee.
- 'How now? How now?' the king did say,
'Thomas, how is it with thee?'
'Hanging and drawing, O king!' he saide;
'You shall neuer gett more from mee.'