The Hunting of the Cheviot
No: 162; variant: 162A
- THE Perse: owt off Northombarlonde,
and avowe to God mayd he
That he wold hunte in the mowntayns
off Chyviat within days thre,
In the magger of doughte: Dogles,
and all that euer with him be.
- The fattiste hartes in all Cheviat
he sayd he wold kyll, and cary them away:
'Be my feth,' sayd the dougheti Doglas agayn,
'I wyll let that hontyng yf that I may.'
- The[n] the Perse: owt off Banborowe cam,
with him a myghtee meany,
With fifteen hondrith archares bold off blood and bone;
and bone;
the wear chosen owt of shyars thre.
- This begane on a Monday at morn,
in Cheviat the hillys so he;
The chylde may rue that ys vn-born,
it wos the mor pitte:.
- The dryvars thorowe the wood?s went,
for to reas the dear;
Bomen byckarte vppone the bent
with ther browd aros cleare.
- Then the wyld thorowe the wood?s went,
on euery syde: shear;
Greahondes thorowe the grevis glent,
for to kyll thear dear.
- This begane in Chyviat the hyls abone,
yerly on a Monnyn-day;
Be that it drewe to the oware off none,
a hondrith fat hart?s ded ther lay.
- The blewe a mort vppone the bent,
the semblyde on sydis shear;
To the quyrry then the Perse: went,
to se the bryttlynge off the deare.
- He sayd, It was the Duglas promys
this day to met me hear;
But I wyste he wolde faylle, verament;
a great oth the Perse: swear.
- At the laste a squyar off Northomberlonde
lokyde at his hand full ny;
He was war a the doughetie Doglas commynge,
with him a myghtte: meany.
- Both with spear, bylle, and brande,
yt was a myghtti sight to se;
Hardyar men, both off hart nor hande,
wear not in Cristiante:.
- The wear twenti hondrith spear-men good,
withoute any feale;
The wear borne along be the watter a Twyde,
yth bownd?s of Tividale.
- 'Leave of the brytlyng of the dear,' he sayd,
aend to your bo'ys lock ye tayk good hede;
For neuer sithe ye wear on your mothars borne
had ye neuer so mickle nede.'
- The dougheti Dogglas on a stede,
he rode alle his men beforne;
His armor glytteryde as dyd a glede;
a boldar barne was never born.
- 'Tell me whos men ye ar,' he says,
'or whos men that ye be:
Who gave youe leave to hunte in this Chyviat chays,
in the spyt of myn and of me.'
- The first mane that ever him an answear mayd,
yt was the good lord Perse::
'We wyll not tell the whoys men we ar,' he says,
'Nor whos men that we be;
But we wyll hounte hear in this chays,
in the spyt of thyne and of the.
- 'The fattiste hart?s in all Chyviat
we haue kyld, and cast to carry them away:'
'Be my troth,' sayd the doughete: Dogglas agay[n],
'therfor the ton of vs shal de this day.'
- Then sayd the doughte: Doglas
unto the lord Perse::
'To kyll alle thes giltles men,
alas, it wear great pitte:!
- But, Perse:, thowe art a lord of lande,
I am a yerle callyd within my contre:;
Let all our men vppone a parti stande,
and do the battell off the and of me.'
- 'Nowe Cristes cors on his crowne,' sayd the lorde Perse:,
'who-so-euer ther-to says nay!
Be my troth, doughtte Doglas,' he says,
'Thow shalt neuer se that day.
- 'Nethar in Ynglonde, Skottlonde, nar France,
nor for no man of a woman born,
But, and fortune be my chance,
I dar met him, on man for on.'
- Then bespayke a squyar off Northombarlonde,
Richard Wytharyngton was him nam;
'It shal neuer be told in Sothe-Ynglonde,' he says,
'To Kyng Herry the Fourth for sham.
- 'I wat youe byn great lord?s twaw,
I am a poor squyar of lande;
I wylle neuer se my captayne fyght on a fylde,
and stande my selffe and loocke on,
But whylle I may my weppone welde,
I wylle not [fayle] both hart and hande.'
- That day, that day, that dredfull day!
the first fit here I fynde;
And youe wyll here any mor a the hountynge a the Chyviat,
yet ys ther mor behynde.
- The Yngglyshe men hade ther bowys yebent,
ther hartes wer good yenoughe;
The first off arros that the shote off,
seven skore spear-men the sloughe.
- Yet byddys the yerle Doglas vppon the bent,
a captayne good yenoughe,
And that was sene verament,
for he wrought hom both woo and wouche.
- The Dogglas partyd his ost in thre,
lyk a cheffe cheften off pryde;
With suar spears off myghtte: tre,
the cum in on euery syde;
- Thrughe our Yngglyshe archery
gave many a wounde fulle wyde;
Many a doughete: the garde to dy,
which ganyde them no pryde.
- The Ynglyshe men let ther bo'ys be,
and pulde owt brandes that wer brighte;
It was a hevy syght to se
bryght swordes on basnites lyght.
- Thorowe ryche male and myneyeple,
many sterne the strocke done streght;
Many a freyke that was fulle fre,
ther vndar foot dyd lyght.
- At last the Duglas and the Perse: met,
lyk to captayns of myght and of mayne;
The swapte toghethar tylle the both swat,
with swordes that wear of fyn myllan.
- Thes worthe: freckys for to fyght,
ther-to the wear fulle fayne,
Tylle the bloode owte off thear basnetes sprente,
as euer dyd heal or ra[y]n.
- 'Yelde the, Perse:,' sayde the Doglas,
aend i feth I shalle the brynge
Wher thowe shalte haue a yerls wagis
of Jamy our Skottish kynge.
- 'Thoue shalte haue thy ransom fre,
I hight the hear this thinge;
For the manfullyste man yet art thowe
that euer I conqueryd in filde fighttynge.'
- 'Nay,' sayd the lord Perse:,
'I tolde it the beforne,
That I wolde neuer yeldyde be
to no man of a woman born.'
- With that ther cam an arrowe hastely,
forthe off a myghtte: wane;
Hit hathe strekene the yerle Duglas
in at the brest-bane.
- Thorowe lyvar and long?s bathe
the sharpe arrowe ys gane,
That neuer after in all his lyffe-days
he spayke mo word?s but ane:
That was, Fyghte ye, my myrry men, whyllys ye may,
for my lyff-days ben gan.
- The Perse: leanyde on his brande,
and sawe the Duglas de;
He tooke the dede mane by the hande,
and sayd, Wo ys me for the!
- 'To haue savyde thy lyffe, I wolde haue partyde with
my landes for years thre,
For a better man, of hart nare of hande,
was nat in all the north contre:.'
- Off all that se a Skottishe knyght,
was callyd Ser Hewe the Monggombyrry;
He sawe the Duglas to the deth was dyght,
he spendyd a spear, a trusti tre.
- He rod vppone a corsiare
throughe a hondrith archery:
He neuer stynttyde, nar neuer blane,
tylle he cam to the good lord Perse:.
- He set vppone the lorde Perse:
a dynte that was full soare;
With a suar spear of a myghtee: tre
clean thorow the body he the Perse: ber,
- A the tothar syde that a man myght se
a large cloth-yard and mare:
Towe bettar captayns wear nat in Cristiante:
then that day slan wear ther.
- An archar off Northomberlonde
say slean was the lord Perse:;
He bar a bende bowe in his hand,
was made off trusti tre.
- An arow that a cloth-yarde was lang
to the harde stele halyde he;
A dynt that was both sad and soar
he sat on Ser Hewe the Monggombyrry.
- The dynt yt was both sad and sar
that he of Monggomberry sete;
The swane-fethars that his arrowe bar
with his hart-blood the wear wete.
- Ther was neuer a freake wone foot wolde fle,
but still in stour dyd stand,
Heawyng on yche othar, whylle the myghte dre,
with many a balfull brande.
- This battell begane in Chyviat
an owar befor the none,
And when even-songe bell was rang,
the battell was nat half done.
- The tocke . . on ethar hande
be the lyght off the mone;
Many hade no strenght for to stande,
in Chyviat the hillys abon.
- Of fifteen hondrith archars of Ynglonde
went away but seuenti and thre;
Of twenti hondrith spear-men of Skotlonde,
but even five and fifti.
- But all wear slayne Cheviat within;
the hade no streng[th]e to stand on hy;
The chylde may rue that ys unborne,
it was the mor pitte:.
- Thear was slayne, withe the lord Perse:,
Ser Johan of Agerstone,
Ser Rogar, the hinde Hartly,
Ser Wyllyam, the bolde Hearone.
- Ser Jorg, the worthe: Loumle,
a knyghte of great renowen,
Ser Raff, the ryche Rugbe,
with dyntes wear beaten dowene.
- For Wetharryngton my harte was wo,
that euer he slayne shulde be;
For when both his leggis wear hewyne in to,
yet he knyled and fought on hys kny.
- Ther was slayne, with the dougheti Duglas,
Ser Hewe the Monggombyrry,
Ser Dauy Lwdale, that worthe: was,
his sistars son was he.
- Ser Charls a Murre: in that place,
that neuer a foot wolde fle;
Ser Hewe Maxwelle, a lorde he was,
with the Doglas dyd he dey.
- So on the morrowe the mayde them byears
off birch and hasell so g[r]ay;
Many wedous, with wepyng tears,
cam to fache ther makys away.
- Tivydale may carpe off care,
Northombarlond may mayk great mon,
For towe such captayns as slayne wear thear
on the March-parti shall neuer be non.
- Word ys commen to Eddenburrowe,
to Jamy the Skottishe kynge,
That dougheti Duglas, lyff-tenant of the Marches,
he lay slean Chyviot within.
- His handde:s dyd he weal and wryn7 he sayd, Alas, and woe ys me!
Such an othar captayn Skotland within,
he sayd, ye-feth shuld neuer be.
- Worde ys commyn to lovly Londone,
till the fourth Harry our kynge,
That lord Perse:, leyff-tenante of the Marchis,
he lay slayne Chyviat within.
- 'God haue merci on his solle,' sayde Kyng Harry,
'good lord, yf thy will it be!
I haue a hondrith captayns in Ynglonde,' he sayd,
aes good as euer was he:
But, Perse:, and I brook my lyffe,
thy deth well quyte shall be.'
- As our noble kynge mayd his avowe,
lyke a noble prince of renowen,
For the deth of the lord Perse:
he dyde the battell of Hombyll-down;
- Wher syx and thritte: Skottishe knyghtes
on a day wear beaten down;
Glendale glytteryde on ther armor bryght,
over castille, towar, and town.
- This was the hontynge off the Cheviat,
that tear begane this spurn;
Old men that knowen t8e grownde well yenoughe
call it the battell of Otterburn.
- At Otterburn begane this spurne,
vppone a Monnynday;
Ther was the doughte: Doglas slean,
the Perse: neuer went away.
- Ther was neuer a tym on the Marche-parte:s
sen the Doglas and the Perse: met,
But yt ys mervele and the rede blude ronne not,
as the reane doys in the stret.
- Ihesue Crist our balys bete,
and to the blys vs brynge!
Thus was the hountynge of the Chivyat:
God send vs alle good endyng!