The Twa Sisters
No: 10; variant: 10N
- THERE were twa sisters livd in a bouir,
Binnorie, O Binnorie
Their father was a baron of pouir.
By the bonnie mildams of Binnorie
- The youngest was meek, and fair as the may
Whan she springs in the east wi the gowden day.
- The eldest austerne as the winter cauld,
Ferce was her saul, and her seiming was bauld.
- A gallant squire can sweet Isabel to wooe;
Her sister had naething to luve I trow.
- But filld was she wi dolour and ire,
To see that to her the comlie squire
- Preferd the debonair Isabel:
Their hevin of luve of spyte was her hell.
- Till ae ein she to her sister can say,
'Sweit sister, cum let us wauk and play.'
- They wauked up, and they wauked down,
Sweit sang the birdis in the vallie loun.
- Whan they cam to the roaring lin,
She drave unweiting Isabel in.
- 'O sister, sister, tak my hand,
And ye sall hae my silver fan.
- 'O sister, sister, tak my middle,
And ye sall hae my gowden girdle.'
- Sumtimes she sank, sumtimes she swam,
Till she cam to the miller's dam.
- The miller's dochtor was out that ein,
And saw her rowing down the streim.
- 'O father deir, in your mil-dam
There is either a lady or a milk-white swan!'
- Twa days were gane, whan to her deir
Her wraith at deid of nicht cold appeir.
- 'My luve, my deir, how can ye sleip,
Whan your Isabel lyes in the deip!
- 'My deir, how can ye sleip bot pain
Whan she by her cruel sister is slain!'
- Up raise he sune, in frichtfu mude:
'Busk ye, my meiny, and seik the flude.'
- They socht her up and they socht her doun,
And spyd at last her glisterin gown.
- They raisd her wi richt meidle care;
Pale was her cheik and grein was her hair.